Accidentally spill some drinks on her

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 01:53, 31 December 2013 by Bojangles (Talk | contribs)
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You pour some grape juice into a glass and bring it over to Lauren. It's perfect for your plan. Once you spill it on her shirt, you'll get her to change. Then you can get a peek at her perky tits.


You pretend to trip and splash a half glass of juice over her purple tank top and white skirt. Oddly enough, she doesn't yelp or scream like you anticipated. The material of her tank plasters over her chest making her nipples boldly visible.

"Sorry dear. My fault completely. Would you like a change of clothes? My daughter's could probably fit you.", you say.

She gives you no response but follows you up to Rachel's room. She lays down on her back on her bed and doesn't give you a look.


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