Swear to secrecy

From Create Your Own Story

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"I swear." you say.

"Good. But if you betray this trust, I'll kill you."

Hearing this, you are absolutely sure that she will make good on that promise, should you betray her. She opens the door, and it's rather dark inside, and she leads you in.

She comes to a stop near the center, and bows. "Master. I've brought you a new candidate for a personal maid. I do believe this to be the one."

"Do you now?" a deep and rather frightening voice bellows from within the darkness. "I'll be the judge of that. Leave us."

"Yes, Master." the Mistress says, as she slowly backs out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Now it's just you and the Master, alone together in near pitch blackness. All you hear is your own heart beating, and the deep breath from the Master.

"Hm, you smell different from other elves, girl." the Master says.

You don't respond, and worry that he might discover that you're actually an orc. "No matter." the Master says. "You are pretty, and smell good to me. I like you, girl."

You're very unsure as to what to do in this very odd situation, and simply say, "T-thank you, sir."

"No doubt you are confused about why I choose you based on appearance and smell." he asks and you nod. "Well, as you should know, the reason she had you swear to secrecy is..." he says as the lights come on, "I am actually a dragon."

Your eyes widen in shock to see a large red dragon, laying on a pile of gold. Dragon's favorite food is orc, and you start to fear for your life. He chuckles at your trembling body.

"Come here, little one. I wish to inspect you."

Health Horny, female orc Ronama Equipment:

maid outfit

Experience Virgin
HP 100
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