Gobble down your food as quickly as you can because you're determined to at least get some training in before going to the academy, even if it means you will arrive a little late

From Create Your Own Story

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You've never gone a day without training in the morning. Even when, such as today, you wake up later than you should have and are most definitely going to be late at the academy. Ibiki isn't as hard on you as you first thought he might be seeing as he is the head of the interrogation corps when not working as an instructor. He is a lot more hands on than the other teachers but you've never minded, in fact you thrive on the physical side to his lessons. It's only when he chooses to use his incredibly probing mind on the theory that you struggle, but everyone struggles.

Anyway you scoff down your food and as quickly as you can get dressed. Standard blue ninja sandals, black knee high shorts, mesh under-armour with a rough well worn sleeveless jacket over the top that you never zip up. You wrap both of your arms in bandages from bicep to fingertip leaving only the skin of side of your shoulders visible, then you wrap your right leg from shin to thigh in bandage and strap your shuriken holster over the top. With the final touch being a black bandana and mask combo you leave your apartment and lock the door before sprinting off into the nearby woods as fast as your legs will carry you.

You arrive at your usual destination in record time and get straight to work starting with a hundred push-ups, sit-ups and crunches. Once you blasted through those you take your battle stance in front of a large upright stump, still rooted to the ground. Legs bent, fists in at your sides and facing your target with an open front.

For an half an hour you repeatedly pound your right fist into the hard bark only to go straight onto your left fist for another half an hour. You do this for another hour switching to your feet, right then left. Ibiki has always held you in the highest regard when it comes to taijutsu within your class, only being defeated once in two years. This made you focus more and more on learning new combinations, toughening your body even more and always trying to push yourself more and more physically. As it goes for your chakra, well you need to focus much more on the mental energy needed when preforming different jutsu.

You finish your workout there, for now, and head to the academy. Always pushing yourself you ran as fast as you could and arrived, still late. Ibiki looks towards the door where you stand with your head hung low and trying desperately to get to your seat without him noticing, it was never going to happen but you still hoped.

"Izo you are late, again. This is becoming more and more normal for you, and I don't approve."

How do you reply?

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