Put on the red wedding dress

From Create Your Own Story

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You ask James to help clasp your red bra. Then you put on your gorgeous dress in front of him, letting him take note of the fact that you are not putting on any panties.

He has a tremendous, palpable desire for you, both physically and romantically. What's more, the feeling is mutual.

You had hoped to have time to get your hair done professionally before your wedding, but you are running late as it is.

A few minutes later, you and James are in a taxi on the way to the church. You tell the cabby to drop James off at the mall. He looks at you sadly—puppy dog eyes',' you think—but you tell him to get changed into something more appropriate for a wedding and make his own way to the church.

You arrive at the church after dropping him off. Your fiance, Jack Hill, rushes to greet you. He asks why you've been out of touch for so long. He tells you that he nearly called the police when he heard you missed your own hen night.

You brush off his questions, and the wedding starts.

Your father takes you by the arm and slowly leads you up the aisle, where Jack is waiting, wearing a silly grin.

Jack is not an ideal husband, but he shares your passion for gaming, and he was recently made manager of the office where he works. He makes good money, and has connections that you can use to spread chaos.

The ceremony begins, and James has not arrived yet. You are about to marry Jack Hill.

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