"I am a Christian."

From Create Your Own Story

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You decide that the truth won't hurt in this case. "I am a Christian," you say.

The smaller man nods. "I figured you were. My comrade and I are Muslims, but we respect Christians because they have been loyal to our leader Assad."

You sigh in relief. Your hunch was correct.

The small officer asks you several more questions, none of which you have any particular difficulty answering. Finally he tells you you're free to go. At your request, he even gives you back your Walther, in exchange for a bribe of your expensive Swiss watch. It's a good deal for both of you, as the watch will fetch more money for him than the pistol would, and in your situation a handgun is far more valuable than a watch.

"Pray to your God for victory over the terrorist rebels," he says to you as his parting words. "As I will pray to Allah."

You take a cab back to the hospital where your Jeep is parked. You check the trunk. Everything's still there.

Health {{{Health}}} Equipment:

Walther PPK with silencer, AK-47, knife, data drive, cyanide capsule, Jeep

MP {{{MP}}}
Level {{{Level}}}
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