Passenger seat

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 15:43, 1 June 2013 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)

Flirting is fun and everything, but you don't want to be too forward so you just decide to hop in the passenger seat next to the wolf. As you sit down you notice, out of the corner of your eye, the dragon and the tabby do a fist-bump, more than likely thinking they "snagged a hottie".

"My name's Jack by the way," the wolf says, "that's Robert," he gestures to the feline, "and that's Rex," he said turning the gesture to the dragon. You look over at the wolf and he's holding out his hand. You smile as you place your hand in his, but instead of shaking it he brings it up to his muzzle and kisses the back of your hand.

You giggle and introduce yourself after he releases your hand. "So, Jack, what made you three decide to help a young like me out?" you ask playfully, already knowing the real answer.

"Besides the fact that you are insanely hot?" he replies, "I guess you can call it chivalry."

You can't tell if he's exaggerating themselves or not, but you still smile at him.

"Yeah I mean, a pretty girl in a two-piece walking to the beach by herself? Kinda dangerous." the tabby, Robert, follows up.

"Aww well thanks guys. I always thought chivalry was dead."

Rex chuckles a little, "It kind of is in a way."

The four of you make small conversation for the next 10 minutes. The three of them are all really nice and funny, plus not one of them is bad looking at all. The dragon is easily the strongest judging by his size and build, he's probably the most endowed of the three but you've never been with one before. The tabby is more than likely the weakest of the three, but he's really cute and he seems to be the funny one in the group. The wolf is probably your favorite at the moment; well muscled, friendly, mannered, and really sexy.

You all finally make it to the beach. After parking and grabbing your towel and handing your cooler over to Rex who's carrying both coolers almost no problem.

After you set up your spot in the sand with the others you think about what you want to do. Rex said he was hungry and is going to go look for any type of food stand. Robert suggested something about volleyball with some others. Jack wants to go swimming for a bit, or you could sunbathe while you take a nap.

You feel like:

Getting something to eat with Rex

Making a beach volleyball game with Robert

Going swimming with Jack

Napping in the sun

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Yellow bikini, sunglasses, towel, cooler with cola and beer

Gender Female
Species Rabbit
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