Spill the beans -- you're here anyway, so you may as well put your knowledge to good use!

From Create Your Own Story

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There's no way you could lie to Tsunade about something as major as this. No, you decide it's best to tell her everything you've just realized

But how to start?

"Baa-- er, Hokage-sama," you say (barely managing to avoid calling her 'Baa-chan' because of -- durr -- Naruto) slowly, "I come in peace." In your head, you do the Vulcan sign of peace for emphasis. "My... Uh..." How to approach the delicate subject of name and nationality? "Well, I'm not from here."

Tsunade lifts a blonde eyebrow.


You laugh nervously.

"Rest assured I'm a civilian!" You become more serious. "But I'm from another world." At Tsunade's skeptical look, you press forward. "Where I come from, everything about Konoha is in a comic..." You bite your lip. "In a way, I'm sorta like a fortune teller... I know everything important that will happen!"

Tsunade crosses her arms.

"I have some doubts about that," Tsunade says. She looks hard into your eyes. "You seem convinced of it, though."

"I can prove it!" you insist. "I know all about you and Dan, and--"

"That's hardly the future," Tsunade snaps.

"Well..." You rub the back of your head. "I know the truth about the Council and the Uchiha."

Tsunade stiffens.

"What?" she hisses.

"I... Would rather not repeat myself," you say, glancing at the window.

Tsunade huffs, runs a hand through her blonde hair.

"Not a word of that to Naruto," she says intensely. You nod.

"No, my lips are sealed."


"I also know who's in charge of Akatsuki."

Tsunade gives you a once-over, then sighs, rubbing her temples.

"You realize you give me no reason to trust you," she says.

"I haven't gone off and helped Akatsuki rule the world, have I?" you counter. "Besides, I've always wanted to be a Hidden Leaf ninja or civilian!"

Tsunade ignores your last comment and shakes her head.

"We'll talk about this more later," she assures you. "You are not to reveal anything about the future or closel-guarded secrets to anyone unless I specifically instruct you to, understand?"

It's not like you have much of a choice. You nod your assent, and Tsunade huffs.

"Naruto's coming," she says. "I'm apt to release you before that, but I'd you feel that establishing a friendship with him is beneficial to... The future, then do so."

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