Return to the men's room for your underwear

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 23:01, 4 January 2013 by Yihman1 (Talk | contribs)
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You go back to the men's room, but someone has locked the door from the inside.

Instead you decide to walk around the mall for hours flirting with men and women along the way. Feeling naughty you even sit on a mall Santa's lap, and whisper in his ear that you want some panties for christmas.

A little before the mall closes you go check if the men's room is unlocked. It is unlocked, and you enter.

You search around for your panties. They are not where you left them. Finally you find them sitting on top of a toilet in a stall.

Time to put your panties back on. You put one leg through each hole, then pull them up swiftly until you hear a *squish*. You feel something warm, and sticky.

Your hand reaches into your panties to investigate. When you pull your fingers back out to investigate you notice they are covered in a warm white sticky substance. You put your finger to your nose and smell it. Out of curiosity you lick your fingers clean. It is definately a man's cum. It is mystery cum, it could be any mans!

You begin to feel weak at the knees. Looking around you make sure nobody else is in the bathroom. You drop to your knees, and place your hand on your panty covered cherry cunt. Your eyes close as you start rubbing. It gives you such demonic pleasure to baptize this fertile virgins cunt with an unknown man's seed. You know Krystal is pro life, and would keep the bastard child. This gives you an amazing orgasm.

You compose yourself and walk out of the men's room.

The mall is closing. You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here.

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