Young Love/ Answer the phone but tell her you're busy

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You can't think of a good reason why you shouldn't go so you decide to lie. You answer the phone trying to sound as disappointed as possible. "Hey.."

"Hi.. what's wrong?" Amanda asks, genuinely concerned.

You try to play it off, "My dad wants me to help him at the lumberyard early tomorrow morning. I really wish I could come."

"Oh.. well what if we just went out for something to eat or hung out at the park or something." Amanda sounds truely disappointed and you can hear someone talking to her in the backgruond.

"Hi Matt, it's me Katelyn." She pauses for a moment. "Umm.. I mean I really would like to see you. We could have some fun. It would only be a couple hours."

All you can think of is how much 'fun' Katelyn would have pushing you around and pulling down your pants.

"Umm... Matt? What do you say?" Katelyn asks is a sweet and innocent voice.

Her voice may sound sweet, innocent and sexy right now but you stand by your convictions. "Nah, I really have to get up early tomorrow. Sorry."

Katelyn really is trying her hardest. "Well how about Amanda and I stop by your place and we can hang out there?"

"Nah, I'm about to take a shower and go to bed." You answer wearily.

"Pff, whatever. I'll be sure to send you our pic-adventure so you don't miss anything." Katelyn hisses sarcastically. "What a loser." You hear Katelyn tell Amanda as she hands the phone back to her.

"Umm, she didn't mean that. She just was really psyched about seeing you. I'm sorry you can't hang out. I'll give you a call tomorrow or something. Text me if you change your mind."

You disconnect and decide taking a shower and heading to bed isn't such a bad idea.

Before you can get in the shower you recieve a .jpg image. You open it to see Amanda and Katelyn smiling cheerfully. A subtext reads 'Wish you were here!'. You are amazed at how sexy Katelyn grew up to be. You send a message back saying 'cute'. You immediately recieve a smiley face text back.

After you get out of the shower you notice your phone is blinking. You have another jpg image waiting in your mailbox. This time it is a mirror shot of the two girls dressed in some mini-skirts and tight fitting tops. A message reads 'Let's go clubbin'. You smile and find yourself thoroughly aroused by their tight bodies.

About fourty-five minutes later the phone starts to vibrate again. You check it but the number seems unfamilar. It's another text message with a jpg attached. The message reads, "I met your friend Dwayne, he's pretty cool - Katelyn. You open the pic, which was obviously taken by a forth person, to see Dwayne holding Katelyn and Amanda in each of his arms. The girls faces are quiet red and they are each holding a plastic cup.

Fifteen minutes later the phone goes off again. This time it's Amanda calling to talk. You contemplate answering but remind yourself you are supposed to be sleeping. She leaves a voice message which you play back.

"Heeeey.. this place is lick.. haha, I mean like.. so cool." Amanda starts to laugh, telling someone to 'stop it' before she continues the voice message. "Ummmmm... Ahhhh... wow, I'm so drunk. Shit, what was I going to say? Oh yeah, I'm sad you couldn't be here."

You can hear Dwayne's voice shouting in the background "I'm not!" Followed by, "Don't worry Mattie, I'll take good care of the girls for you.

"You're such a dick." Amanda hisses.

"I'll show you a dick!" Dwayne mocks. Amanda breaks out in laughter followed by an unmistakable gasp. The voice message abruptly ends there.

You find sleep hard to come by and continuously check your phone for new messages, picture, missed calls.. anything! Sleep finally takes over but you find yourself up own a few hours later. You are over-joyed to find a message on your phone until you realize it's Dwayne's number. All it says is 'Had a GREAT time with Amanda and Katelyn last night loser'.

You find the last week of summer vacation very uneventful. Amanda gets upset when you continuously ask what happened that day and insists nothing happened.

Young Love/ Starting Classes

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