Ongoing Story/Bryon fetches the fork and hands it to you

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Chapter 15: Byron and the Fork

"Ok, my lady. But I'll have to put you back once we're done, you do understand that, right?"

"Of course, Byron." you say with a smile. But he doesn't know why you're really smiling.

Byron quickly walks over to the table, and picks up the fork. As he's on the way back over to you, he stops, looks at the fork, looks at you, and gets a wicked grin on his face.

Byron finishes crossing the room, kisses you lightly on the cheek, and says, "I'll give you the fork, but first..."

He places the light metal in the ridge between your sweaty breasts, and the cool metal makes you jerk away.

"Ahh...she likes it!" Byron exclaims. He moves the fork slowly up the side of one breast, and sticks the nipple between two of the prongs.

"Oh, come on, Byron, just give me the - Ohhhh..." you moan with pleasure. The feeling of cold metal pinching your nipple is really starting to turn you on...perhaps you should get it pierced later.

You shake your head, trying to get the erotic sensations out of your mind, and say, "Byron, please!"

"Not yet, my lady, but soon. He tugs the fork away from nipple, sending electric pleasure from your body directly in to your brain. The fork, which is now warming up considerably, is getting directed back down the side of your breast, and down your stomach. You moan at the sensation.

Byron sticks the butt end of the fork into your navel with, while rubbing your other breast with his right hand.

"Oh, Byron," you moan. "But couldn't we enjoy this better if I had a free hand?"

"Soon, soon, My lady." He takes the fork oh so slowly out of your navel and starts trailing down to your dripping wet cunt. "Now, let's see if this will fit."

Byron takes the fork and carefully starts to slide it into your pussy. The prongs make it an awfully wierd dildo. Byron slides the entire length of it into your pussy, and starts sliding his hand in behind it. You moan, the sensations permeating through your entire body.

"Byron! Get away from her!" You are snapped out of your erotic haze, and turn to look at who said that. It is a guard, a quite well decorated and handsome one at that. He is a brown haired, browned eyed human, stands about 7'3", and looks to weigh about 250 lbs., all of it solid muscle. He has a large scar on the left side of his hard face, that extends from just under one eye to his chin.

Byron quickly scurries from the room, leaving the fork inside you, and looking extremely disappointed. "Stay away from the guards' women!" the man calls down the hallway. He turns to you. "Now you're a pretty one. I think I'll take you for my own slave." He walks over to you, and raises one hand.

"W-wait. Who are you?" you ask.

"I am Kala, the Duke's head guard." he says. The last thing you see is him slamming his hand into your head, and the world fades to black.

What happens now?

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