Ongoing Story/Assist Herlic to mount Ilsa

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Chapter 21: A Centaur Takes Ilsa For a Ride

"I'm not sure if what you ask is even possible, but I'd be willing to give it a try." Herlic responds with interest, his cock already hard at the thought of screwing a "two-leg" female.

"Perhaps we might be more comfortable continuing this line of thought at your place?" You offer, noticing that this is not a particularly safe place to be. Herlic nods and carries you both on his muscular back through the marsh. You get all tingly inside feeling his powerful frame jostling between your thighs. Ilsa seem to be getting very excited as well, whether from the ride she's receiving or the one she's about to receive, you aren't quite sure.

The Centaur's cottage is very quaint and cozy, although by necessity somewhat barn-like. There is even some human furniture within, chairs and couches that the centaur could not possible have any use for.

"I told you I have a very un-centaur-like interest in two-leg females." Offers Herlic with embarrassment when you ask him why he has these items in his house. You smile and decide it time that interest paid him some dividends. Positioning Ilsa so she's bent over on the seat cushions with her ass towards Herlic, you then help the centaur rear up and rest his weight on the back of the sturdy sofa.

You take Herlic's penis and lovingly stroke it until it is rock hard. The thing is massive beyond belief! There is no way Ilsa can take it all. You try and tell her this but she reaches back behind her and takes the thick prick away from you and guides it into her tight hole.

"Mmmmphhh, nggghhhaaaah!!!" The nordic beauty moans as she crams the meaty rod into her. Herlic, for his part, begins to buck like a young colt, pumping the few inches of his cock Ilsa is able to accommodate in and out of her cunt.

The whole thing looks very painful to you, but Herlic and Ilsa seem to be enjoying themselves, so who are you to judge?

After several minutes Herlic seems ready to cum from being inside Ilsa's tight little human pussy.

What happens now?

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