Confront Louise in the bath!

From Create Your Own Story

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“Thank you, for your assistance.” You politely thank the maid as you apply your formidable self control and force yourself to focus on the reason for your visit. With an effort of will you move your attention from the maid to Louise, allowing carefully controlled anger to fill you as you turn your steeliest gaze on Louise.

“Anytime, it was my pleasure.” The maid replies in accented English, her voice husky, she pulls the curtains open and steps to one side, allowing you into the room with the bathtub.

You walk forward, and you find yourself standing naked in front of the hot foamy bubble bath containing Louise Remark. Your face is flushed with a mixture of anger, embarrassment and arousal. Unable to resist you deliberately run your gaze over her. Her beauty is undeniable, the elegant skin on her breasts and feet, tantalise, her face is absolutely stunning. She has a green eyed emerald stare, unlike a normal set of eyes they hers do not blend in to her face, instead they stand out like shiny gems, jewellery on a lady’s perfect face. Her hair is fierce red and a bit curly. She keeps it in a bun but strings of hair fall down to her shoulders. She has big pouty lips that form the most sensual smile you’ve ever seen, as her gaze wanders over you dwelling on your body. Although her skin is as fair as that on the rest of her body her face still manages to somehow subconsciously inform you of her age. She’s older than you, mid thirties with tons of life experience. Even more of a surprise is that she can keep her unspoiled looks with all that experience.

“Lady Van Helsing I presume. You do have something different about you... Please come enjoy this water with me." Louise speaks in English, her voice silky with rich French accents.

“Very well, if you insist.” You agree maintaining your calm, polite English tone with some difficulty. In spite of her spoken invitation she stays sprawled in the bath, there is no place where you can easily get into the bath with her. Watching her you realise that she is as fascinated by your body as you are by hers. Having achieved a near perfect balance between battle ready vigour and femininity you realise that your body appears like no other to Louise’s watchful gaze.

“Yes my guest I do most definitely insist, that you join me!” Louise purrs at you in sultry voice that sends a shiver up your spine. Then her emerald eyes meet your steeliest gave without flinching and the two of you lock gazes in a silent battle of wills.

“Then I must remind you that a good hostess provides a nice seat for her guests.” You calmly reply, knowing that you have come too far to back out now. You keep your face expressionless and your eyes locked on hers, as you feel with your hands until they find the sides of the bath. Holding onto the sides you step in one foot at a time and then slowly lower yourself into the bath. As you do so, your legs brush against hers, the sensation of touching the silky perfection of her skin, is exquisitely erotic.

“Yes I do have a lovely place for you, and a good guest stays in the place she is assigned without comment.” Louise answers amused, as she continues the test of wills, her emerald eyes burning into your head. She sits up, you know, without looking, that she too has grasped the sides of the bath. Then she moves forward, her soft skin slides electrifyingly against your skin, her body and limbs writhe erotically against your body and limbs, as she attempt to position you in the bath.

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