Steel yourself, and pull the door handle, ready to jump aside

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As the door falls out of the hole in the shed's wall, you're hit with an imaginably foul stench. The place reeks!

And buzzes! Dozens of fat flies follow the door out only to circle you and fly back inside. You fight the urge to vomit but then curiosity wins. A single yellow lightbulb is weakly illuminating the hellish scene as you peer inside.

It really is a toilet - you think. Because the insides are covered in irregular brownish lumps, and it takes you a full minute before you realize that the entire floor area is covered with... poo. It's a landscape of excrement, with dry hills where you can discern individual pieces, and wetter areas where the poo is mixed with pee into a mush.

This landscape is wriggling with life. There must be a hundred flies that hum loudly. All of which must have been laying eggs, as the poo mounds are crawling with sickly white fly maggots as well as the flies themselves. Cockroaches scurry all over the poo, and you can hear the scratches from the upper walls and roof as more cockroaches try to avoid the light. Thin long glistening black things with bright orange splotches move more slowly and deliberately - millipedes, some of which are several inches long!

There is more poo climbing the walls, and you can't make out the toilet seat for all the poo. Only the sink and mirror seems relatively clean, with only streaks of brown. Luckily you don't need the toilet right now - only the mirror!

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