Go to class

From Create Your Own Story

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The bell rings, and ten minutes later, you walk into Mrs. C's classroom. "Leanna! Nice of you to show up!" she says. "I expect you to show up on time from now on. I don't want a repeat of last year." Even though you have no idea what she's talking about, you nod your head and apologize. You take a seat across from a blonde haired girl, who looks asleep, and a few seats away from Jay. He waves at you, and you smile back at him. You then look and see the girl tap him on the shoulder with a confused look on her face. You realize she isn't wearing anything underneath, commando as some call it, and you can't help but laugh.

With lighting speed Mrs. C turns around. "Isabella! Jay! Would you two like to explain to me how World War Two began?" With his smirk you've already grown to love, Jay confidently replies "Who cares Mrs. C? It doesn't matter anyway, it happened what? 50 years ago?" You try to stay quiet, as does the class, but all of you end up laughing. Trying to stay cool, Mrs. C stares them down even harder. "Both of you. After class." "Whatever," Jay mumbles. You see him turn back towards Isabella and stare at her, but her turns back toward the board. The bell suddenly rings, and you see Isabella nearly jump out of her seat. Again, this causes you to laugh. Everyone hustles out of class, and you wait outside for Jay. You have a promise to keep.

Minutes pass, and you see Mrs. C come storming out of her class. "Sor-" you try to say, but she walks right past you. You wait another twenty minutes, then forty, and right as you're about to give up, Isabella comes storming out of the class. She looks at you, and you can't help but feel there's something different about her. Then you see the small trace of jizz on her face and with a shock you realize what just happened. "Isabella, did Jay just... you know?" She turns around. Clearly she didn't want to talk, but in a calm voice she manages to say, "Leanna. Not a word about this. Ever. If anyone finds out, you don't want to know what'll happen. Got it?" "Whatever, whore," you see without thinking. Isabella's eyebrows go up and she screams "FUCK YOU!" and walks off. Jay then walks out of the class, brushing his pants off. "Oh hey Leanna. You ready or what?"

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