Take his suit and weapon, and get a good position

From Create Your Own Story

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Adjusting your tie, you kick your disguise into a small alcove, and drag the body into a janitor's closet. You walk briskly down the hall, and follow the distant sound of the president talking in the conference room, and come upon a small balcony where another Secret Service agent is watching. Taking your scalpel (small, efficient, and easy to cut) out of your pocket, you slash his throat, leaving him choking on his blood as you take his position. Aiming at the head of the president, you slowly breathe, not allowing your hands to slip or move at all. Your leg is nearly jerked out form under you, causing you to fire your gun in surprise. As time slows down, you don't even need to look down to know it was the dying Secret Service agent. The wall behind the president explodes in splinters on one spot as the bullet misses him, and a stocky agent scoops him up and escorts him out in a flash. You need to stop him from escaping.

  • Do You

Chase after him by jumping off the balcony

Get to the oval office

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