Pokemon: Forest Song

From Create Your Own Story

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You hear your alarm play that tune that wakes you up every morning. You hum along a few bars, half asleep, but than jump out of bed, remembering that you finally get a Pokmemon today! You usually wait till the last second for everything, but you have already have packed your backpack the night before. You double check it has extra clothes, a toothbrush, food, water, and other necessities. Then you put on your blue shirt and turquoise jacket. You decide to wear skinny jeans. Then you wash up in the bathroom. Your body is shaking with anticipation, nervousness, and sadness all at ounce. Your going to leave home....

You rush downstairs to eat breakfast and find a big surprise: "Windy!" you shout excitedly. You rush over and hug your sister. You notice the belt of Poke Balls at her waist. "It's nice to see you, Forest!" Your sister hugs you back. "I just couldn't miss saying goodbye to you before you go... Plus, I'm heading to Cinnabar island, and Pallet town is on the way!" You nod. Windy then walks over to the counter and hands you a plate. "Oh I missed your cinnamon toast!" you say excitedly, scarfing down your sisters made breakfast. "Thank you!" you say when you are done. You look at your watch. "I have to go in 15 minutes."

"I'll come with you then....I have...something for you," she says

Your eyes light up. Maybe it's a Pokemon. "Wait, where is mom?" you ask, realizing you haven't seen her. "Getting ready." Windy says just as your mom comes in the door, her hair wet from a shower. She obviously has already said hi to Windy, because she isn't surprised. Instead she walks over to you. You are surprised to see her eyes a little misty...maybe it's only because she just got out of the shower...

"Forest, look at you, going off on a journey....I...uum. Windy, YOU tell her." "I was going to." Replies Windy. You glance at your watch. OMG, you have to be there in five minutes. You give your mom a quick hug, say, "I have to GO!" And run out the door, draining out her "wait!"

You slip on your roller blades.

The laboratory of Professor Gary Oak is only a few blocks from your house, but its still takes more than five minutes. Wen you arrive at the gate, you can see the Professor waiting inside with three other kids. After a few seconds, he glances in your direction, and notices you. He presses a button on a remote in his hand, and the gate slides open, leaving you walking into the fancy yard. There are Pokemon everywhere.

You see a pond and with fountains and Magicarp and Goldeen swimming in it. A grassy fenced in area with Mareep and Flaaffy.

Then as you walk over to wear the group is standing, you see a Pokemon standing obediently a few feet away from the Professor, almost like a body guard. It is blue with a huge shell with cannons. It glares at you expectantly, a deep growl coming from it's throat.

"It's alright, Blastoise." Mr Oak has Spiky brown hair that he keeps gelled back. He always wears a chained amulet around his neck.

"Good, we can start now." he says, not meanly, but a little sarcastically. It was controversial whether, "Gary," should have taken over when professor Elm retired to go exploring as a Ranger. But Gary had proven himself well, even though he was only in his late twenties.

The other kids, however, are glaring at you. You are one of the three children 14 and under in your town of New Bark who graduated this year in warrior training, so you get a Pokemon from Professor Gary. Some people start Warrior training later than others, but you have to do it for at least 4 years. You practice using weapons and perfecting strength, speed, balance, agility, ect. It is very hard, but you managed to pass with top marks.

You realize that the Prof is talking. "---a big responsibility. Also, remember, the Pokemon I am about to give you are well trained. Not for fighting, but for obedience. Battle training is your job. But they will obey you. Wild Pokemon will be extremely difficult. They will not typically willingly battle, so you will have to either silently sneak up on them, or catch already weak ones. And then you have to get them to listen to you once you catch them, and you have to train them to understand what certain battle commands mean. The starters are smart and already know a lot of battle terms." He continues, "You probably already know this, but just in case I will review. Last week was the silver league. The winner was Johnny Ketchum, age 16. Son of world champion Pokemon trainer, Ash Ketchum. The league is hosted every year on that day, November 25. Your goal could be to earn eight badges so you may enter. "Remember, Gym leaders are great warriors who have lots of Pokemon to assist them. But they focus on one type. That is why so many trainers are able to beat them. Or you could enter contests with Pokemon, become a coordinator. You could even aim to be a gym leader, a breeder, or just continue to be a Trainer.

Gary looks around, making sure everyone has registered this all. Blastoise is still standing silently near Profesor Gary. Then Gary wordlessly takes three Poke Balls from his belt. They are shiny and red at the top. The bottom is clear and you can see little colors from them. The Prof gives them to you guys to hold and check out, starting with the tall boy at the far left. He weighs them in his hands, and than passes them. You are the last one to hold them, and you can feel a slight hum vibration coming from the Poke Balls. Some are heavy for their size and they are different temperatures. "Ok, time to choose." says the Professor. "Ladies first." That's when you realize you are the only girl there.

You look at the balls in your hands more closely. You have studied Pokemon pretty well. The clear bottom part of the Poke Balls is very thick and blurry, but you eventually make out the Pokemon inside. They are, as you guessed, the three typical starters.

You choose:

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