S413 Break free

From Create Your Own Story

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You have to escape, at any cost. You decide you like your right hand more, focus on happy thoughts, and press on the left restraints with as much force as you can muster. Agonizing pain rips through your arm, but you refuse to let your instincts win. With what was left of your endurance, you kept pulling, until you heard a loud CRACK!

You've succeeded in breaking your wrist.

Tears welled in your eyes as the pain explodes. An inevitable scream struggled to burst out of your mouth, but you managed to keep it closed. For some reason, instinct told you not to let anyone hear.

You focus all your energy into steadying your breathing, until finally the pain subsides to a dull throbbing. Gingerly, you try easing your left hand through the cuff. Now limp and more flexible without the bone, your hand slipped effortlessly through the shackles. Your knuckles caught momentarily on the restraints, but after a short moment of pulling, they too slipped through.

And then you were free.

Well, somewhat. You still had your right hand chained. Not to mention your ankles. And on top of all that, the exertion left you ravenous for food.

Perhaps your plan wasn't the best one.

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