Ongoing Story\You get lucky

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Chapter 20: Luck, all that you ever could need

Suddenly, as you and Johanna rub your bodies against each other, you hear Rock Hardy's voice shout out from the band, "Ha! They were right. All you so-called Amazon legends couldn't fuck their way out of a paper bag! This 13 year old girls do a better job than any of you!"

It's a sloppy, nonsensical cliche, but it seems to do the trick. You hear the Queen yell out, "Yes we can! Right, girls? I bet me and Jani here could do a better job than any of you!"

From another direction, you hear a response, in a voice you don't recognize, "You may be Queen of the Warrior Amazons, but you're not Queen of the Bedroom! I think any one of us here could outfuck you!"

You hear an echoed cry of "Yeah!" from all directions.

"You can, eh! Prove it!" with that, you look behind you to see what looks like Bonke practically mauling the Amazon sitting next to her.

"Don't stop now," Johanna says, as she rubs your pussy with her leg. "Keep it up until they're all occupied, and we can make our escape."

You're not sure if she's in favor of continuing because she's horny or because she wants to wait for them. In any case, you're so elated that the Amazons are distracted that you are willing to do anything. You then proceed to move your hand to Johanna's dripping wet pussy and your other hand to her tight ass. As you rub your body against her breast and stomach, you jam your hands deeply into both of her southern orifices, hoping to give her a reward for coming up with such a great plan. Fortunately, she had gotten herself really horny somehow during the dance, and she comes almost immediately. Fortunately, she doesn't shudder for too long, and about 15 seconds later she is ready to make the run for it.

You run towards the band, as that's the only place where you won't be noticed by running by any of the gyrating bodies on the ground surrounding you. You run up to Rock Hardy, and say "Thanks for the help. They never would have started this without you're encouraging words."

"Hey, you're the really brave one. Giving your virgin body like that! All I did was say a few words. Now get the key and let's get out of here."

You give him a peck on the cheek, being careful to rub your tits against his bare chest, then turn to go look for the key.

What do you do now?

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