Increase peoples desire for you with increased amount of contact

From Create Your Own Story

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Simply recalling how your touch caused people to beg to have sex with you brought you over the edge, and you came harder than you've ever cum before. You soon clean yourself up and head for school. At school as you walk down the hallway, you notice everyone's looking at you funny. You check yourself to see if you're wearing something to draw attention... Nope. Nothing. Suddenly you bump into a kid. "Watch yourself" you say. He blushes/ "S-s-s-sorry" he stammers. You notice a raging hardon in his pants. That's kinda funny! In fact it was just like... Then the bell rang and you had to head off to class. First class: gym. You decide to test out your hunch, and see if it's right. You approach

The quarterback (blatantly straight, but hot as hell)

The kid you bumped into before (who's kinda small, but cute)

The lean ginger you like

The muscular asian

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