Head off to the escape pods.

From Create Your Own Story

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You realize that it wouldn't be a very smart idea to walk into a room that's about to drop down to the planet. You make your way to an escape pod and hit the launch button.

The pod's inertial dampeners kick in as it shoots out of the ship. Elevator music gives the ride a nice, serene feeling, that is, until your pod collides with an asteroid on its way down. Red warning lights and alarms sound as your pod tumbles out of control. You suddenly don't feel so peaceful, but you don't have to worry about that long, as the pod hits a large lake and begins to sink.

Dazed, you manage to hit the emergency override switch that blows the pod's hatch off. In all your confusion, you forget to grab your shotgun. However, you do manage to grab a survival kit before you swim to the surface. Your lungs burn when you burst above the water line. A feeling of relief overcomes you as you swim to a nearby beach and collapse in the sand.

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