Drive to the local megastore

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 02:39, 12 June 2012 by Teejay (Talk | contribs)
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You drive over to the store that has everything, park, and snag a cart. You idly browse the aisles looking for something interesting. You occasionally put an item in the cart, but you're not really here to shop, after all...

Ah! You spot two women that Jessica's memory tells you have in the past made passes at her. A further search reveals more information.

The medium-height, slim, decently busty brunette is Carlita Giamante. Her deceased husband was a New York mobster who left her millions upon millions of dollars upon being "retired". She's of Italian ancestry, childless, and since the death of her husband has become a full-fledged lesbian. She is trying to catch your eye.

The very tall [6' 4"], muscular, leggy woman who looks like a bodybuilder is Beth Wenzel. Her long, flaming-red hair is in a ponytail that comes halfway down her back. You see her walking purposefully towards you. She's told you in the past that you're beautiful and sooner or later she would have you whether you wanted her or not. You couldn't quite tell if she was joking when she said that.

You are possessing:
Young-Looking, Pretty Mother
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