“You will be after I’m done with you!”

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 23:11, 2 May 2012 by Ronatario (Talk | contribs)


The sound of your cracking knuckles strike fear into Hon's eyes.

"W-Wait! I'm sorry! It took me a while to pick out my clothes! You hardly ever hang out with me nowadays... I wanted to look my best! That's why I was late!" He quickly runs behind the tree next to you two.

"You're wearing the same clothes that you always wear!"

"I s-spent all of my money to get it cleaned!"

This is just pathetic. I mean- I honestly- I can't- I don't even- AUGH! Grow a spine!

Your fists ease and open up. Taking a deep breath, you walk closer to Hon, still cowering.

In a calming voice you say, albeit through gritted teeth, "Hon, I was joking, get up please."

"You're sure you-you're not just gonna hit me...!" I'm trying to be nice here.

"...No, I won't. Please, just... clean yourself up... please stop... please." My respect for him is long gone.

A few minutes pass.

Your friend comes back after a while, done washing the tears away, and seems to feign happiness as if nothing happened. Although threatening him prior, a sudden rush of guilt passes over you. Maybe I should be nicer to him...

He's still a bit on the edge, best to play nice...

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