Write Dad

From Create Your Own Story

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“Good kid! You have my eyes and my smarts you know who to love more.” Mom on the other hand was furious

“You think your unfaithful father is so great?! Sleeping around with other women and wasting our money on them?!” angrily she stormed out of the room, and then she left.

I instantly regretted my choice, but there was nothing I could do, if only I could go back, if only I could change the past. I would do anything. My vision blurred.

What did I do wrong? Did I game too much? That must be it. I won't ever game again. I'll be the best son I can possible be, so, please, come back.

It was the first time in my life I wept.

I didn't make a sound, and I didn't hold it back. In my whole life, my eyes were like a damn, breaking apart when I couldn't bear the pain, but now it was like a river.

Why did this have to happen?

Why, Why, WHY?

Dad tried to help,

"Don’t go with her, you know who loves you more “Be glad that you are away from that woman"

but he just made it worse.

Then I heard the car. Maybe if I run out now, maybe I can still change my mind.

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