Fuck it. Drink a shot with Adam.

From Create Your Own Story

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The liquor burns your throat as it goes down and you can feel its effects immediately. Fuck - Matt was right! This shit is pretty good.

The four of you shoot the shit in the dining room and before you know it, Matt is pushing another shot at you at Adam. You both toast and down the liquor.

Time goes by, and after your next shot, you can tell you're getting pretty fucked up. You sorta sit there, wasted. All you can really focus on is the sound of Matt blabbing on and on, every once in a while laughing hysterically at his own jokes. Kara is giggling along with him.

Suddenly, you wake up and realize you are on Adam's living room couch. Adam is snoring loudly, passed out nearby. You look at your watch. It's past midnight!

Shit -- it hits you -- where are Kara and Matt?

You sorta stumble upstairs to Kara's room. You can hear noises from behind the door. You slowly open it up a crack and look inside.

Matt and Kara are both buck naked. Matt's sweaty, muscular bulk is laying on top of Kara's curvy, petite teen body. His hard ass is jackhammering into the moaning redhead. Matt's mouth is latched onto one of Kara's perfect tits, sucking and biting on the girl's puffy pink nipple. Matt pulls his cock out and slams it back into the no-longer-virgin teen cunt. Matt is extremely well-hung, almost as big as you, and Kara screams in horny bliss.

"Oh fuckin' shit, your pussy is so goddamn fuckin' tight, baby!" Matt moans.

"You're soooooo BIIIIIG!" She squeals.

Your mind is racing, furious. That should be your huge cock she's wrapped around! That fucker tricked you!

Matt must've heard you in the doorway, because suddenly he looks over. He sorta laughs when he sees you.

"Dude - can you give us some fuckin' privacy? I know you wanna perv on us, but I beat you square and fair to this pussy, dude. Shit, thanks for inviting me over. This bitch's cherry cunt is tight as fuck!"

"Fuck you!" You bark back at him, slamming the door. You can still hear Matt's voice as you stomp down the hall.

"Baby, get up on your hands and knees. I wanna drill you doggie style. You'll love it."

You go back into the living room and lay down. Horny, frustrated, and hung over.

What a shitty night.


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