Ask to stay with Julian

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He says yes in a calm way and you both start to walk to his house. He lets you wear his jacket and it is quite warm. As you get closer to his house you find yourself walking closer to him. You eventually make it to his house and your relieved to think of a warm inside when to your dismay you remember that his house is always kept at around 68 degrees Fahrenheit. After a while of watching t.v. your both cuddled together and in an hour falling asleep. Maybe an extra couple hours of sleep this morning would have been helpful. You soon fall asleep, your head next to his.

What a great sleep it was... until you woke up. You hear some yelling and look at the clock on the wall. 3:46. As you slowly get out of that tired state you recall that your at Julian's house. Suddenly you hear the sound of something shatter. Your mind almost yells JULIAN! You get up and walk nearly as fast as you can to his house's kitchen. You see Julian getting a dust brush and sweeping up some glass from a beer bottle. You hear a door slam from the other side of the house and you can only come to the conclusion that his father came home.

"What happened?" you ask with underlying sadness in your voice.

"Nothing... it was... nothing," he says, and as he looked up while saying that you see a cut going across his cheek. "Dad just came home drunk is all."

Suddenly you hear his dad from the other side of the house "And get that slut out by the morning!"

Julian looks down again and says, "...sorry... about him."

"Its alright." you say taking a towel and wetting it with warm water. "Look up." You say as you take the towel and clean up his cut.

you can:

say "I should probably get going"

say "That cut looks pretty deep"

You are: A 15-year-old girl
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