A ceaser salad with a glass of water

From Create Your Own Story

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You decide it would be best to stick with something healthy. After about 5 minutes of waiting, a waitress comes to your table and takes your order. You notice that she has dark bags under her eyes, but she appears to be relatively young, about 20 years old. She must have been working all day, you think as she takes your menu. When she returns, she has a a tray with alarge shallow bowl containing your salad and a glass of waiter. After setting out your food you begin to dig in. Nothing tastes to out of the ordinary though. Just a regular salad. Once you finish your meal you lean against the soft leather cushion in contentment. You try to rest your eyes but the restaurant is just to loud. So many people are talking so loudly, you can barely hear yourself think. Then, just when you think the noise couldn't get any louder, you hear someone scream in terror. You open your eyes and see, at the table across from you, an obese man with blood dripping from his mouth violently thrashing about. You get up out of your seat just as he sinks his teeth into the fat, ugly woman next to him. Other fatties begin fleeing the restaurant when they see this, but they begin to block each other off, their fat bodies pressing up against each other, blocking the doorway outside. The fat man with the bleeding mouth gets out of his seat and turns to you.

What do you do:

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