R: "Shall we let the other guy state his case, now that we've heard from May?"

From Create Your Own Story

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"Wait, what?!" May objects, "I've barely even started to talk, why would you even think of such a thing?"

"Well.. I.. uhh.." What a stupid thing to say, you think to yourself.

Before you say another word, your captor intervenes, "Yes! I think that will be enough of you! Goodbye!"

"W-Wait!! Can't I just-"

The line cuts off from her end. The idiocy of your move begins to sink in, that might have been your last chance to remember anything about yourself, then again, it doesn't matter. All you want now is to get out of here as soon as possible.

"I don't know whether I should applaud or laugh at your stupid suggestion." The voice comments, "So I'll do both."

He then gives out a cynical laugh coupled with a slow clap. This agitates you.

"I hate you, and I hope you die in hole with no friends."

The laughter then increases in volume. You made it worse.

After what feels like forever, he finally calms down.

"Well, now that all the laugh is out of me," He says, slightly exhausted, "Let's start with the second person shall we?"

You hear some rustling on his side, must be turning on the other man's speakers.Who is this man, you begin to ponder in your confused mind. Oh how you wish that you could remember, but as of yet, you cannot. The voice finally returns.

"May I present... William!" He says with some excitement, "Now William, you have one minute to beg to your hearts content why he should choose your sorry soul. Begin!"

Silence. Why isn't he talking? Doesn't he want to live?

"I don't want to live," He finally speaks, his voice is deep and gravely, "So I will not beg. I am sorry if I am not entertaining you."

"Oh c'mon William! Don't you want to-"

"I said no! And that's final!"

After a few seconds, the captor finally gives up on William.

"Hmph, Well if you really want to die..."

Perhaps you can stop William and let him speak. Then again, you really just want to get yourself out of this forsaken place, and if William really does want to die peacefully, then so be it.

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