Saya/Black Dress/2/Borias Hemilton/Red Light/dodge

From Create Your Own Story

He tries again and grabs air, then repeats that over and over again single-mindedly. just as you wonder how long it'll take before he realizes he'll have to try something else if he wants to stand any chance of catching you, some of the others walk over and ask what the problem is. Before you can reply, one of the bouncers recognizes you from an earlier visit.

"M-miss Saya!" he exclaims and suddenly starts appologizing profusely. You sigh and tell him to keep it down, you don't want to be noticed by everyone downstairs. "I-I'm sorry miss, I'll make sure this idiot is properly discipl-" You cut off his torrent of disgusting politeness with an annoyed sigh and a wave of your hand. "No need, i enjoyed toying with him and he was only doing his job. I prefer people don't believe its me too easily. Else my name will get abused too much" You pat the highly confused man on the back and walk into the dressing room.

Now, question is, what are you here for?

Browse through the normal outfits

Browse through the kinky outfits

Browse through the cosplay outfits

Wait for one of the girls to show up

Undress yourself

Health 100 Equipment:

Black Dress

Stamina 100
Mood Playfull Inventory:

Mother's Katana, Full Black Leather Armor

Purse 150, 00, 00
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