Remove the blindfold from Desire´s face

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 12:55, 8 March 2012 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)
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You walk round to the front of the helpless whore leaving Yin out of site and slide the blindfold up Desires face and bend down so you are mere centimeters away from her face, your breath entering her lungs.

You beckon Yin forth, "Come and look into her eyes, don't worry she can't bite."

She does as ordered, apparently having some respect for you and giggles at her mothers fiery eyes, "Wow, she could probably bite right through that gag."

You are not particularly amused by her remark and coldly reply "She knows what will happen if she tried anything."

Yin seems quite put off by your statement, she doesn't like the idea of further violence.

Do you

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