Saya/Black Dress/2/Borias Hemilton/Bar

From Create Your Own Story

< Saya | Black Dress | 2 | Borias Hemilton
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Heh, might as well go deal with your problems like most pathetic old men : Drink booze till you can't remember you're in trouble. Having formed this fantastic plan, you set off towards the local inn. It's owned by Jacob, a retired old soldier who still served under you a few years before retiring. He's a good man and you can trust him to put you away somewhere safe when you end up drinking till you pass out. You don't drink that often, but everytime you do, you end up totally wasted and start sexually harrassing everyone nearby, regardless of age, looks or gender. By the time you arrive there, the sun is setting and you can hear some rowdy sailors throwing a party inside. For some reason, you've never met a sailor that wasn't drunk. Then again, you never did board a ship either.

You walk inside, you hear surprised comments and whispers at first, then the more merry drunk laughter and one guy yells "Hey sweetcheeks, come ta look fer a real man have ye?" Tho you barely understand him since his speech is all messed up from too much booze. Well, that's how you intend to sound in a bit, so you just flash a half-hearted smile at the drunk fellow and walk over to the bar.

"Something that shuts my brain down plz" You order jokingly as the Jacob, the bartender, finally sees you. He rolls his eyes but gives you a glass of something strong-smelling. "Just don't throw up inside kay?" You nod and he returns to his customers, the inn is packed, you've gotten drunk before but you've never thrown up yet. You don't really want that to change either. The old fox knows that the tought of throwing up makes you reluctant to drink alot of alcohol tho. That's the down-side to a good guy like him, never lets you ruin your health freely.

You're lost in tought as you sip from whatever he gave you, it tastes really nasty and there's definitely enough alcohol in there to knock you off your feet. You allready feel yourself getting tipsy and you aren't even halfway trough your first glass. You are disturbed in your toughts and attempts to get drunk by a man sitting down next to you. Well, his breath definitely won't stop you from getting drunk, it smells of more alcohol than your drink. You look at him annoyed and instantly want to wipe the arrogant smile off his face.

"Ey dere purdy lady, you ere lookin fer someone ta keep ye warm tonite?" You more or less manage to guess the meaning of his incoherent stammering, alltough you highly doubt he would be able to do more than snore on you even if you took him up on that offer.

Tell the drunken idiot to get lost

Just knock him out

Try to ignore him

Health 95 Equipment:

Black Dress

Stamina 90
Mood Tipsy Inventory:

Mother's Katana, Full Black Leather Armor

Purse 150, 00, 00
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