Arturia/Heavy Dress/2/Ruairi/What the hell just happened?

From Create Your Own Story

< Arturia | Heavy Dress | 2 | Ruairi
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The maid smiles even more brightly and cheerfully explains "You woke up to a man you didn't know and were kissed by him, then found out he was your future husband. Oh, and you're probably realizing around now that you held a knife to your future husband's throat at the first meeting?". You are stunned by this maid's ability to casually drop a bomb in a cheerful tone. But you realize she is right, you held a knife to his throat before you were even introduced. What is he supposed to think of you now? Well, if he hadn't waltzed into your room uninvited and tried to molest you, you wouldn't have held the knife at his throat either...

You shake your head to clear it of all those pointless thoughts - the past can't be changed. The question is, what to do from here on out? You :

Get up, you don't feel like sleeping anymore after that

Get back to bed, you'll think of some way to make everything work out tomorrow

Health 100 Equipment:

Nightgown, Beautiful necklace

Stamina 85
Mood Confused Inventory:

Valuable jewelry, Heavy Dress

Purse 1050, 00, 00
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