Saya/ Black Leather 2/Ruairi/Trade horses and continue on to Ruairi's mansion

From Create Your Own Story

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Eager to meet this mysterious lord Ruairi, you make a quick stop at the town to trade your fatigued horses for new ones. While you're there you pick up on several rumors about lord Ruairi that make your heart pound with excitement. From the looks of it, this guy should have enough power for you to be able to go all out on him during a training match. You haven't fought demons before either - you can hardly wait. The villagers get a curious look on their face as you grin wider the more horrifying the stories they tell you.

After the men have taken a break and had something to eat and drink, you set off for Lord Ruairi's manor. While you're lost in your thoughts about what this Ruairi may be capable of, you're interrupted by the sounds of battle up ahead. Without losing any time, you tell your men to draw their blades and charge ahead to find a small caravan being attacked by hunched over hairy figures. They're too big to be human and they aren't wielding any weapons, you take a closer look and notice the yellowish wolf-eyes as well as their claws and fangs. Werewolves!

You quickly survey battlefield while charging in. There's about a dozen werewolves fighting 20 mercenary caravan guards. The traders and carriers are hiding behind the wagons. They're holding improvised weapons, but they don't look like they'd be very helpful in a fight. A few of the beasts have stealthily approached them from behind and are about to massacre them.

The mercenaries are doing their best, but they were taken by surprise and the beasts are terrifying foes. They won't last much longer without assistance.

You :

Send Duran with five of the guards to protect the traders while you take the rest of the men to assist the mercenaries by charging the beasts from behind

Lead all the men in a charge on the beasts, ignoring the traders' plight

Rush ahead to stop the beasts' sneak attack and leave the command of the men to Duran

Rush ahead into the heat of the battle and leave the command of the men to Duran

Health 100 Equipment:

Full Black Leather Armor, Mother's Katana

Stamina 90
Mood Excited Inventory:

Confidential letter

Purse 50, 00, 00
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