Ask the maid the obvious : "I-Was that..?"

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 01:16, 18 February 2012 by Chlo's-closet (Talk | contribs)
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She nods happily and explains with a far too cheerful voice "Yes, that was Lord Ruairi, your future husband. He probably just wanted to take a peek at his future wife. Forgive him for his curiosity. He is not used to dealing with women. Well, not human ones anyway." she adds the last part dryly and quickly changes the topic.
"Here have a refreshment, it'll make you feel alot better" she says, handing you a cup of sparkling water. It looks inviting, far more so than ordinary water should.

You :

Take the cup and swallow the contents in one go

Take a sip from the cup and try to determine what's in it

Politely refuse and get up, you don't want to wake up to another surprise

Politely refuse and get back to bed

Health 100 Equipment:

Nightgown, Beautiful necklace

Stamina 85
Mood Confused Inventory:

Valuable jewelry, Heavy Dress

Purse 1050, 00, 00
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