Sell half your stash and keep the rest?

From Create Your Own Story

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You admit,"Um, well 48 bihkalons is a bit high Nicky. And you only need it for ONE eye. Howabout I sell you half and we're even at 24 bihkalons?"

"Fair! You're the best! I always sez you're a fair and honest customer. I'm always sayin' it. Whatcha need the money for anyhow?"

"I need to visit my Mom," you reply.

"Your Mom? Bless her magic brewin', spell throwing, potion makin' heart! THAT is one magical lady, your mother! Please give her my best....wait I thought she passed?"

"Well, yeah so did I...but an orange rabbit appeared this morning,with her voice,and told me to come to Planet Maygik, year 2239, stop#56. Thanks to you, I can get my ticket today!"

Nicky grabs half of the blue ear wax and passes the bihkalons to you. He states, "Be careful on Planet Maygik. The green people can ALWAYS be trusted. The pink people can't lie. The yellow people ALWAYS lie and the blues, well they kill for the slightest insult."

"Thanks Nicky," you say as you head out the door,pocketing the last half of your healing, cobalt earwax.

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