
From Create Your Own Story

Where am I? thought Naisha as she came to. She was in a dark dungeon cell that had a small window leaking out moonlight. The stone floor beneath Naisha was as cold as ice, and she could see nothing beyond the cage-like steel door. Looks like I'm captured... She instinctively started to look for a way out. The door had long, sharp spikes on it to prevent lock picking, and the window had steel bars locking it. Her weapons were all gone.

She gave up after spending an hour trying to find a way out. Naisha slumped down onto the cold cell floor, hating herself for getting ambushed by those enemy ninjas. It appeared that she wasn't going to get out of this alive...

A cold steel brushed Naisha's arm inside her left sleeve. She pulled out the small hidden knife and thought, Well, it looks like there is still some hope left.

You have finished Part 2. Proceed to Part 1 or start the main story.

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