
From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 15:09, 7 February 2012 by Zoroastra (Talk | contribs)


height : 6'5" (198cm)

Weight : 213 lbs (97kg)

General description : Large and burly, Heavily muscled. A large scar running over the left side of his face.

Combat Stats

Favourite Weapon : Greatsword, Combat power : 70. (Duran may look like just a rough soldier, but his strength and skill with the blade are known far and wide.)

Unarmed Combat Power : 45. (Strong, Colossal and much Faster than he looks, this is one guy you Really don't want to mess with.)

Strength : Unmatched. (He carries the title of your country's strongest warrior - and with reason.)

Speed : Very High. (His colossal body looks very sluggish, but before that tought leaves your mind your head will be separated from your body.)

Endurance : Unmatched. (err.. i got punched? you sure? Oh well.)

Willpower : Unmatched. (He only ever does what the people he swore his loyalty to tell him to, whatever that may be, and once he enters battle no spell or curse has any effect on his berserk mind.)

Magical Ability : Low. (Basic enchantments, first-aid healing magic, a few wards and dispelling hexes.)

General Personality : Rough warrior with little respect for social ranks, his heart is in the right place, but he becomes a completely merciless berserker in battle.

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