Part1:Kaishan/Wait it out and see (or hear) what may happen

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Kaishan does nothing.

He hears what sounds like a drawbridge openning. Talk about midevil, right? Anyways, he then hears voices. The voices sound like:

What are we going to do, boss? We don't know who this guy is! He could be one of them!

I know, I know. Please give me a moment...


...Into the dungeon with him.

Hearing this, Kaishan attempts to break free, but alas, it wasn't enough to keep a crushing blow right to the dome.

Kaishan regained conciousness, and found he was in a dark room. He looked around, but nothing was to be seen. He felt like he was in hell. Not knowing where he was or why he was there, he attepmted to find a way out for answers to give him clues.

He didn't find anything but a steel door covered in spikes. It was made so no one on the inside of the chamber could reach out and pick the lock without losing a hand.

Kaishan feared the worst. It appeared that he wasn't going to get out of this alive...

He then heard sobbing. Kaishan quickly crawled over to the noise. It was a human girl! He was overwhelmed with excitement when he realized he wasn't the only one there.

He started saying,"Hello?"

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