Ongoing Story\Attempt to seduce her

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Chapter 11: Seducing Nina

You're a little unsure about what to say or do to Nina, so you start by giving her as many compliments as you can. "No wonder my dad wanted you to wear a skimpy outfit like that, he wants to see as much of your gorgeous body as he can!" You look her over again, this time paying close attention to everything below the waist.

"Your father has seen much more of my body than you think! The outfit is embarassing, but he likes it." Nina tells you. Thinking quick, you reply, "If it were up to me, I would have you going around nude 24 hours a day!" Nina giggles and gives you a little shove.

After a moment of silence, you come up with something even better. "I wish my skin was as smooth as yours. What do you do to stay looking so great!" You're not lying, Nina does have incredibly smooth skin and it feels even nicer than it looks. "I don't do much! I think it runs in my family!" she says as you caress her shoulder. She watches your hand as you slide it off her shoulder and down her arm, only a fraction of an inch away from her breast.

"Can I ask you something, Nina?" you say, figuring it's now or never. Nina nods and you continue, "Have you ever considered making love to a woman?" Nina looks shocked at the question, even though she knew you were complimenting her for a reason. She ponders the question for a second, but just as she opens her mouth to say something, you interrupt. "Never mind! It's a dumb question. Forget I said it."

Nina remains silent for a minute and you start chopping up the tomato and tossing it into the bowl with the lettuce. Nina looks around the room and takes a good look down the hall to make sure nobody is coming. "I think about it all the time!" Nina whispers in your ear. You are as shocked to hear the answer as she was to hear the question.

Now that you know Nina is interested, you take it to the next level. "Would you ever want to make love to me?" You ask without making eye contact. You're extremely nervous and terrified of being rejected. You would never be able to look at her again.

She places her hand on your shoulder and you turn to face her. She smiles slightly and leans toward you. You're anxious to hear her answer, but ready to run out of the room if it's the wrong one. Nina takes a breath and says...

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