Get dressed and think about it

From Create Your Own Story

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Furry World

It seems that nothing good is going to happen this morning. Frustrated, you decide you need something to take your mind off sex for awhile. Nothing is less sexy than work, so its off to the office. Since most everyone will be off today you should be able to get some of the boring paperwork done and maybe a start on the next issue of the magazine.

As you are about to throw on a pair of jeans you change your mind and instead decide on a longish skirt and blouse. Much more comfortable in the long run.

The office is almost deserted. Glenda, the receptionist, secretary, office manager raises her head you as you pass by her desk.

"Kayde, good, glad you came in, it's Reggies last day and he wanted to see you before he left."

Glenda hands you an envelope. A big canine grin splits her graying muzzle. "The directors agreed with you and they decided to grant Reggie the honorarium you requested. I made out the check, it was all you asked for and a little more."

"And how do you know how much I asked for?"

"Oh please!" Glenda sniffs, "anyway, I thought I wait to see if you came in, I knew you'd want to be the one to give it to him."

Laughing, you take the envelope from Glenda. "Thanks, Glenda, have Reggie come to my office if you see him before I do."

"No need, he's been camped out in your office all morning. I was going to call you at home in a few minutes if you didn't come in. The poor puppy has been here all morning" Glenda smirks, her yellow eyes twinkling.

You smile as you tap the envelope against your palm. Reggie is, or rather was, an intern at the magizine. After a few days it became clear that he was good for more than making coffee and running errands. He had a real eye for detail and was a very good graphic artist. Reggie was the major reason that you and the rest of the staff were able to take the last couple of days off. With his help the last issue of the magizine was finished up early and the next issue well on its way. Today was to be Reggies last day before he was heading back to school. Last week you went to the board of directors and insisted that if they didn't come up with an honorarium for him that you would take up a collection amoung the staff.

Sure enough, there is Reggie, fidgeting in the guest chair in your office. He stands up as soon as you enter. "Miss Kayde!" Reggie yelps, "I was hoping you'd be in so I could say good bye."

Instead of his usual office attire Reggie is dressed in a pair of cut off jeans and a logo tee shirt, a large red messenger bag is slung over one shoulder. You had never realized how muscular he really was under his normal work clothes. His stripes adding an exotic touch to his stocky physique. You'd always had a thing for zebras, but you kept strictly hands off with Reggie, he's young and technically your employee.

He surprises you with a big hug. Reggie is about average size for a young zebra stallion, so his face ends up burried between your breasts.

He steps back, the inside of his long ears turning crimson. "Sorry."

You chuckle, "That's ok Reggie." You hand him the envelope, "Here, you did a stellar job here this summer and we wanted to show our appreciation."

Reggie tears open the envelope and looks at the check, he chuckles "Cool, I can afford books this semester."

There is an awkward silence for a few minutes. Reggie puts the check into a pocket of his bag. He extends his hand. "Well, um, I've really enjoyed working with you Miss Kayde."

"Just call me Kayde, or Kay." you shake his hand. You lean over to give him a peck on the cheek.

Reggie takes your face in his hands. He presses his lips to yours.

Startled, you jerk your head back. Reggie looks up at you with a horrified expression on his face.

"Oh, god, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, don't be mad. I just had to, I couldn't help it."

Reggie turns as if to make a mad dash out the door.

"Reggie! Hold it."

Reggie turns, shame faced.

"You startled me that's all. Give a girl a little warning! Now come back here and let's try that again."

Reggie goggles at you.

You bend over and plant your lips to his. You open your mouth and run your tongue over his lips. Reggie closes his eyes and moans. His tongue darts into your mouth. You feel the muscles of your belly tighten and the muscles between your legs loosen. You straighten up. The kiss ends with a wet smack.

Ask Reggie to shut the door some college kid...Really

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Work Clothes

Gender Female
Species Equine
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