Ongoing Story\Make a move on him

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Chapter 14: A startling revelation

"Hey, Rex, how's it going?" You say, walking up to him.

"I'm alright, Lisa." Wow! He actually knows your name! "What's up?"

He's so calm and in control that you get totally thrown off your stride. "Ohhh...nothing much. So, um, I was wondering..."

"Hey, Rex, What's up?" Vanessa has just walked up to your conversation.

"Oh, hey, babe." Rex turns to Vanessa, puts one hand on her ass, another on her back and pulls her in for a deep kiss. She reaches around and hugs him back, pressing her tight body into his.

You stand there, staring at them kiss, your body not believing what you see. After what you did last night with Vanessa, you can't believe what's going on right in front of your eyes.

They kiss for at least two full minutes, not seemingly aware of anyone but themselves. Your heart starts to pound, and you push back the tears which start to spring up in your eyes. You can't believe what's happening! Suddenly, the bell rings, interrupting their kiss. Vanessa pushes Rex away, and says, "Hey, we gotta go to Chem!" As she turns, she glances in your direction, and says, "Oh, hey, Lis, I didn't even see you standing there. I'd chat, but I have class, you know." She walks away with her arm around Rex's waist.

You don't have class now, so you...

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