Karen/Invade the lighthouse

From Create Your Own Story

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You proceed carefully towards the lighthouse, moving slightly faster than in the jungle but still maintaining your triangle formation.

Nothing of significance happens, and you reach the entrance, passing the severed heads. Up close they're even more frightening but you swallow down the gorge that rises in your throat and stop at the entrance. You pause to listen. You hear faint sounds of movement but can't identify it.

You silently gesture for your group to enter. You close the door and lock it behind you. Proceeding into the main room, you see a labyrinth of crates. Zeke must have set it up. You give a new set of orders.

Character: Karen Andrews
Alive: 36 students
Hours Remaining: 69
Weapons Aquired: Taser, Uzi
Friends: Boy #12 Damien Ryan, Girl #2 Shania Hart
Kills: Tasha Kimes, Peter Earl, Danny Lei

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