Finish off mom and turn max

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 01:36, 20 December 2011 by UltimaEvill (Talk | contribs)

You creep up on your sleeping mother snoring loudly while drooling on her bed. Less than a one foot away from her you bend down and put your gun to her forehead. Not wishing to let her go so quickly you arouse her from her deep sleep to which she drunkenly slaps you across the face. having had enough of this you pull the trigger and are satisfied by the blood covering the sheets. You go to turn your dog into your faithful zombie companion. You slowly pick him up and take a bite out of his furry flesh. Soon after your dog is now green and disgusting just as his master. Soon after you go and...

Go to the nearby park

Grab your dead fathers car keys and head towards the highway in the beat up hummer

Kill yourselk

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