SM:Pull the Trigger

From Create Your Own Story

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You squeeze the trigger. The gun jumps in your hand as a bullet strikes the man you're aiming at square in the forehead. His body begins to drop but you don't see it hit the ground as a sudden flash of bright white light blinds you. You use your arms to help protect your eyes.

When the light fades, you lower your arms and find that you are standing in a black abyss. There is nothing but darkness around you: no people, or objects.

"You've broken the terms of our contract," a voice says, eminating from behind you. It is familiar, the same voice that you had made a deal with not too long ago.

"What do you mean? Why am I here? I still have time left!" you question, angrily while turning around.

Before you is a floating hooded black cloak with a featureless, white procelain mask where a face should be. You can see no discernable form, or body, and where eyes should be in its' mask there is nothing but black.

"You didn't read the fine print," the phantom continues, "If you take a life, you forfit our contract and become mine. I am here to collect you."

You don't remember seeing any fine print.

"I took that life to save a life!" you say.

"No, you didn't. What I see is the final say, there will be no argument here. You are coming with me whether you want to or not."

You walk forward, not through choice, but because you find you've lost control of your legs. As you walk, the weight of the gun in your hand reminds you that you still have it...

Do you:

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