Check out the noise like a little good victim

From Create Your Own Story

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Charmaine screams.

Kwan jumps.

You could feel your heart begin to hammer.

The door seems to have a life of its own. It draws back, inch by inch, then stops.

"It m-m-must be the wind," Kwan stammers.

You move towards it.

"You can't go in here!" Charmaine digs her fingers into your arm.

"I'm not, I just want to have a look."

The door has opened about halfway. Beyond it, a dark corridor leads into the gloom. The floorboards are rotten, all wet and slimy, and you could hear dripping sounds from deep within the house.

Moving closer, you peer up at the old ceiling. The plaster is dangling like tentacles. You sniff. A dank smell fills the air.

"There must be somebody behind the door," Kwan whispers.

"I'll soon find out," you say. "You and Charmaine get ready to run!"

You push against the door. Nothing happens. You take a breath and shove harder. There is a splintering sound. The door collapses in a shower of dust.

"See, it's empty. There's nobody here," you tell him.

Kwan swallows. He edges forward, dragging Charmaine with him.

All of you could see other doors, all shut, lining the wrecked corridor. There are no sounds, just the falling rain and the water dripping down through the ruined roof.

"Yuk!" Charmaine screws up her nose. "What a mess."

"We should explore it," Kwan suggests. "It doesn't look very scary now."

"I'm not going in there!" Charmaine declares angrily.

"Girls!" Kwan laughs. "Well you can stay out here, all alone!"

"Not fair!" she says.

"It could be very dangerous," you warn. "It's an old house, about to be pulled down. It may not be safe to walk around in there."

But Kwan has stepped inside even before you have finished. He is heading across to the nearest door.

Charmaine folds her arms like Mum does when she's angry.

"Why are you walking on tip-toe like that?" she demands.

Kwan waves back to her. "So the ghosts won't hear me coming!" He gives a cackling laugh.

"Be careful!" you shout.

"Why? It's safe if you know where to put your feet-"

There is a sudden cracking noise and the floor gave way. Kwan drops through, grabbing the edges at the last minute.

"Help me!" he wails.

"Told you!" you shake your head.

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