R: Right hook the wall

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 07:37, 8 November 2011 by Heyoeveryone (Talk | contribs)
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You rotate into the direction of the nearest wall. You promptly walk towards the wall. Lifting your arm into a bent stance, you take a good glance at the wall. You know it's going to hurt, but who cares, it's not like it matters, you need to get rid of this rage that has built up inside of you.


You slam your right hand into the wall. A sudden wave of pain flows through your throbbing fist. You try to hold in the tears of the incredible pain. What the fuck is that wall made of?!

"Oh good job there buddy," The voice comments, "You do know that the wall your looking at right now, it's made of a special blend of concrete. It's thin, but extremely dense. By the looks of that shot, it must be killing you right now."

It does, you have never felt such an agonizing pain in your life, then again, you don't know your past. After five minutes, the pain starts to subside.

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