R: Ask about your bruises on your hands

From Create Your Own Story

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"You know," You begin, "I was just looking at my hands, and I've just noticed that I have some cuts and bruises on my hands that seem very suspicious. Care to explain?"

"Oh, that," He replies, "When I went to capture you, you swung your arms like mad! So many left and right hooks, you only hit me once though, I think on the right shoulder, not really painful that shot was, you were starting to become really tired at that point. That's when I pushed you onto the ground, I think you must have hit something hard when you fell, because when I looked at you, you were knocked out cold."

"That still doesn't explain how I got those bruises."

"That's simple, while you were swinging, you occasionally hit some of the trees. It was so funny since you were blind."

Hmm? That last sentence was rather interesting. Occasionally hit some of the trees? It was so funny since you were blind? Maybe you should look into this.

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