Ask to meet the Hive Queen

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 16:07, 30 August 2011 by Harry Portalman (Talk | contribs)

Four of the bug-men take off in their sky-craft, while you go with the fifth bug-man to the palace of the Hive Queen. It turns out, the bug-men live in the stone dwellings carved in the undersides of the floating islands. He brings you to one of the larger ones. After landing, he guides you to a large chamber where an enormous bug-thing sits on a nest of eggs, honey, and slime.

"Our queen will be so pleased you have come," your guide says. "You shall be honored and remembered as a hero for countless generations!"

You step closer for a better look at the humming, bloated thing that the bug-men call a queen. She has eighteen eyes, each one more yellow than the last, and her mouth is a mass of feelers and mandibles. Her body is green and pale and has eighteen short tentacles which are probably vestigial limbs. At her far end, she carries a load of squirming bug-men in a sac of yellow discharge. "Those are her other suitors. The brave bug-men offer their lives for the Hive," your guide explains.

You reach for your laser baton. You finally understand the bug-man's choice of words -- a "meeting" with the Hive Queen. You thought you might get a reward. Maybe another quest, but that's not what he meant, is it? Your guide places his hand at the back of your neck, and you feel a sharp prick, then nothing. A neurotoxin. Oh, cripes. More bug-men approach and strip you of your clothes and equipment and throw you upon the yellow sac. The slime envelopes you, as you join the other bug-men in perfect unity with the Hive Queen. You only hope she's gentle. It's your first time, after all.


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