MOTDE: Duel Solaria B

From Create Your Own Story

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With swords drawn the two of you begin ritually circling each other. Your eyes are fixed on her hands, not her eyes, eyes are deceptive, hands always go where they are pointed at. Your grip on the sword hilt tightens, and your muscles tense, you close the distance with Solaria and deliver a series of controlled cuts from a safe distance.

Predictably Solaria blocks them without difficulty or revealing any holes in her swordsmanship. She then retaliates and deliver a series of similar cuts in an almost identical fashion. You too defend the attack with flying colors.

"You can´t defeat me Daine, I´ve studied your fighting style, your inferior technique won´t last long against a firstborn of clan Valon."

Solaria and you exchange a series of quick slashes and blocks between each other. Sparkles flow as your steel blades collide in the air, despite their slimness characteristic of Drow weaponry their masterwork quality and magical enchantment keep them from breaking apart.

"I don´t mind you acting feisty Solaria," you tell her with a grin and a leer, "after all lively and rebellious slaves can be quite arousing."

To punctuate your words you advance forward with a series of hard sword slashes, each one blocked by Solaria. The force of the impact staggers her backwards across the throne room. Deciding that she doesn't want to get pushed backwards any more Solaria gives a quick thrust with her sword against your belly, you swiftly deflect the thrust with some difficulty and get back on square one, circling Solaria.

This time you look her in the eyes, your hatred for this woman forcing you to defy your 100 years training with the sword. Solaria does the same, the hate burning fiercely in her eyes. You loath the fact that you aren't allowed to kill this woman, but you guess the satisfaction of enslaving her athletic and firm body would be even greater.

"I do not have the time to play with you here Solaria..." you tell her before being interrupted by your fellow commander.

"Agree, the Queen and princesses are waiting for me," Solaria says. "Let´s finish this quickly you whore of Char!"

The both of you begin to close the distance, your choice of attack has to come soon.

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