Read the sign about alligators
From Create Your Own Story
The sign says:
Alligators are characterized by a wider snout and eyes more dorsally located than their crocodile cousins. Both living species also tend to be darker in colour, often nearly black but color is very dependent on the water. Algae-laden waters produce greener alligators; alligators from waters with a lot of tannic acid from overhanging trees are often darker (although the Chinese alligator has some light patterning.) Also, in alligators only the upper teeth can be seen with the jaws closed (in contrast to true crocodiles, in which upper and lower teeth can be seen), though many individuals bear jaw deformities which complicate this means of identification.
That's very interesting. Now that you've read the sign, do you:
- Pick up the stick and poke the gator
- Throw the stick and tell the gator to fetch
- Go to the directory
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The Alligator