Steven: (father) Age32

From Create Your Own Story

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Your Name is Steven, a 32 year old father of four married to your wife Stacy for the last 15 years. Physically you take very good care of yourself, standing 6'4" at 190 lbs, long blackish brown hair you usually keep in a pony tail. You met Stacy in high school and have been officially with her since finding out at the age of 15 that you had gotten her pregnant. Fortune was on your side and you were able to quit school and join your father's manufacturing business. A business that you eventually took over after your father passed away ten years ago.

For the most part you have a good marriage. Stacy takes good care of herself and gives you sex when ever you want it. However your eyes and cock have wondered more then a few times during your marriage and you’re currently having an affair with your 19 year old secretary at work. Lately your eyes have been wondering a little closer to home, settling in on your 16 year old daughter Heather and your youngest daughter Jessica. You also suspect that you aren’t the only parent in the house fantasizing about the family's younger members as Stacy has called out Timmy's name in her sleep on several occasions. Timmy's mother also seems to have no problem with her son's chronic peeking, a condition that up till recently, you have been able to dismiss as curiosity.

It's a Thursday evening in early spring and the whole family is preparing for the annual family R.V. trip scheduled to start tomorrow at the crack of dawn. Everyone has just finished dinner and has headed in their own directions, save Timmy, who is helping his mother clear the table.

You have some time to kill before heading to bed so you decide to:

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